
Academic Program

The aim of the academic program is to challenge our students to the limits of their capability. Students are leveled for math & Reading in grades 2nd - 8th. The world today demands that students be work-oriented and achievement-oriented. With the cooperation of parents, the school makes every effort to develop these characteristics in its students. The school is aided in its efforts by a full-time librarian, a music program for students in 1st - 5th grade, and two full time physical education teachers. Capable eighth grade students are enrolled in Algebra I, and English I. Students receive high school credit for these courses. High school credit courses are taught by faculty members certified on the secondary level. The school assures that students have updated textbooks and appropriate supplementary material. The library facility is computerized and is regularly upgraded with substantial new book purchases. A commitment has been made to equip the school with the latest in technology. Technology is an integral part of the school curriculum. Students in grades 6-8 are engaged in an iPad 1:1 program.